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针对数字产品的版权保护问题,利用二维离散整数小波变换的快速性,结合人类视觉系统特性,开发了一种基于彩色图像新的、简单的、鲁棒性盲水印嵌入系统.系统可以将水印信息嵌入到不同整数小波分解级数下的彩色载体图像中去,具有嵌入速度快、安全性高的特点.首先将彩色载体图像由RGB彩色空间转换到YUV空间,再对y分量进行多级整数小波分解,然后分别将有意义的二值图像和字符串作为水印嵌入到不同级数小波分解后的低频域(LLn).算法选择了合适的水印嵌入位置,实验结果证明:系统使图像的不可见性好,所嵌入的水印对一般的图像处理攻击,如噪声、滤波、旋转、压缩等有较强的鲁棒性,系统实用性较强.  相似文献   
一种基于Harris角点特征精确匹配的图像拼接方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于Harris角点特征的精确匹配方法。该方法首先提取参考图像及待拼接图像中各自的Harris角点点集,并计算出这2个点集间每对点的圆形邻域图像的相关系数;再通过提取各个角点邻域的Hu矩特征,获得了该特征下每对点的相似程度。将不同特征下的相似度进行归一化并融合,构造出2个点集间,每对点的相似度表。在此表的基础上,优化匹配结果,使得匹配点对的总体相似程度高,从而得到精确匹配。由于Hu矩特征具有旋转及尺度不变性,因此提取出的角点特征能够较好地抵抗常见的图像变换。最后,实现了一套包括图像预处理、图像对齐与匹配等诸多模块的图像拼接系统。通过实际操作表明,该方法的图像拼接效率较高,有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
In this paper, a novel reconstruction technique based on level set method and algebraic reconstruction technique is proposed for multiphase flow computed tomography (CT) system. The curvature-driven noise reduction method is inserted into the conventional iteration procedure of algebraic reconstruction technique to improve the image quality and convergence speed with limited projection data. By evolving the image as a set of iso-intensity contours after each updation, the sufficient number of iterations for acceptable results is reduced by 80%-90%, while the image quality is enhanced obviously. Quantitative evaluation of image quality is given by using both relative image error and correlation coefficient. The resultant images can be utilized to detect flow regimes for monitoring industrial multiphase flow. Laboratory results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. Phantoms of four typical flow regimes can be reconstructed from few-view projection data efficiently, and the corresponding image errors and correlation coefficients are acceptable for the cases tested in this paper.  相似文献   
For the realtime classification of moving vehicles in the multi-lane traffic video sequences, a length-based method is proposed. To extract the moving regions of interest, the difference image between the updated background and current frame is obtained by using background subtraction, and then an edge-based shadow removal algorithm is implemented. Moreover, a thresholding segmentation method for the region detection of moving vehicle based on location search is developed. At the estimation stage, a registration line is set up in the detection area, then the vehicle length is estimated with the horizontal projection technique as soon as the vehicle leaves the registration line. Lastly, the vehicle is classified according to its length and the classification threshold. The proposed method is different from traditional methods that require complex camera calibrations. It calculates the pixel-based vehicle length by using uncalibrated traffic video sequences at lower computational cost. Furthermore, only one registration line is set up, which has high flexibility. Experimental results of three traffic video sequences show that the classification accuracies for the large and small vehicles are 97.1% and 96.7% respectively, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
Through the use of narrative inquiry, this research study explores the collaborative curriculum making experiences of six teachers (three males; three females) in one physical education (PE) department in an urban middle school in the U.S. Collaboration; as defined in this work, this has to do with teachers’ voluntary interactions and their shared decision making in support of common goals. Where curriculum making is concerned, it refers to interactions between and among the four commonplaces of curriculum (teacher, learner, subject matter, milieu). The paper features the perspectives of the department head (female), experienced teachers (male and female) and teachers new to the profession (male and female). The narrative accounts of the individual teachers are set against the backdrop of the PE department with which they identify and within the storied history of the school in which they work. The story constellations representational form conveys the interrelatedness of the narratives and instantiates the teachers’ experiences of collaborative curriculum making. In the final analysis, this research enterprise makes a major contribution to the study of PE as well as to education generally. To date, no inquiries have focused on the collaborative curriculum making of teachers lodged in a PE department in one school context, despite collaborative curriculum making most closely reflecting how PE teachers typically approach the teaching task due to shared classrooms/gymnasiums/fields and the communal use of equipment.  相似文献   
烟雾的准确检测,对于火灾的实时检测和预警具有重要的作用。为克服火灾燃烧时烟雾在浓度低、离监控地远、同时受风速等因素干扰情况下,提出一种基于灰度共生矩阵的视频烟雾检测方法。该方法首先利用背景差方法提取运动区域,对运动区域进行分块处理以获取局部信息;然后利用灰度共生矩阵提取每块的纹理特征;最后利用这些烟雾纹理特征(能量、熵、相关性)进行训练获取其内在关系,最终实现烟雾图像提取。实验表明灰度共生矩阵纹理特征在颜色相似的动目标干扰下表现出较好的属性特征,相关试验数据和对比结果表明这种纹理特征对于烟雾的检测是有效的。  相似文献   
针对山东黄河防汛工作整体要求和信息化建设现状,利用无线图像传输加快防汛信息现代化建设,在更广阔的地域范围内提供“最后一公里”宽带连接,结合山东黄河应急平台建设方案要求,其建设将成为黄河防汛应急管理的一项重要基础性工作。全面推进水利信息化和国家防汛抗旱指挥系统工程建设,是水利可持续发展的基础和前提,充分运用现代计算机网络技术、现代通信技术,建立科学的、高效的防汛指挥系统,减轻洪涝灾害损失,确保防洪安全。  相似文献   
人类对自然界中"虹"现象的认识经历了很长时间的发展,虹在不同的时期具有不同的意义,人类的各种神话也与虹有着千丝万缕的联系。先民视野中"彩虹"蕴含着"龙"和"龙的传人"等含义。  相似文献   
通过举办西湖博览会、世界休闲博览会、国际动漫节、休闲发展论坛等展会,杭州夯实了休闲城市品牌基础,实施了休闲城市发展战略,城市的国际形象得到了快速提升。杭州经验的核心是凝聚休闲发展共识,大力发展旅游休闲、文化创意等特色潜力产业,使其文化软实力和城市竞争力不断增强。杭州大力发展“休闲之都”与“会展名城”,主要表现在:依托科技,借助展会,推动文化与经济、文化与科技的融合;坚持文化多样性,搭建国际会议交流平台,促使经济包容性发展;西博会各项活动精彩纷呈,成为杭州休闲城市精神文明建设的重要载体;西博会、休博会、动漫节成为文化交流重要品牌。杭州休闲文化也在全球范围得到认可。  相似文献   
对晚清中国时局及革命动员的表达,有政论、小说、诗歌、戏曲、杂文等文学形式,但图像新闻却以艺术的形式,别具一格,在文化尚未普及的时代,成为呈现时政及革命动员的最直观、最有效、最锐利的武器。《江汉日报》的图像新闻,如同其所刊发的各类文体一样,自始至终,承担着反帝反清,宣传革命的使命;其报道的范围广泛,视野宏阔,高瞻远瞩,具有宏观性和全局性;其报道的主题主要集中在中国面临的局势、外国列强对中国的侵略与掠夺、腐败的封建专制制度以及文武官吏的百面丑态,具有鲜明的政治性。在策略上,运用立体的和连续的报道方法,增强舆论力度;在形式上,图像直指现实政治和现实社会,通俗易懂,具有直观性。其图像新闻大胆、泼辣、犀利,具有鼓动性、革命性和战斗性。  相似文献   
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